Monday, December 24, 2012

my style icon, Faye Wong

"There is no absolutely smart or absolutely stupid person in this world; There is only should or should not do thing. But some people do not realize that they are doing the wrong things. Some people will not think of right or wrong, they just do the right thing luckily" - Faye Wong

  "這個世界上沒有絕對聰明和絕對笨的人,只有知道自己該做什麼和不知道自己該做什麼的人,但有些人一直做錯卻認為自己是對的,有些人從未想過錯對,只是碰巧都做對了。" - 王菲

i love Faye Wong since i have my independent thinking (i think it is about 15 or 16). She is the coolest woman in this world i think. her image in Chungking Express impressed me a lot, her tomboy hair cut, the round sunglasses, the curious behaviour.

打從我有了獨立的思想後 (我想大概是十五、六歲吧),我就喜歡王菲。她是這個世界上最正的女人。她在重慶森林的印象實在是不能忘滅,她的男生短髮、溥儀圓太陽鏡,還有那奇異的行為......

i love her music, she brings the influence in Canton-Pop. she creates a very Faye Wong music style in Hong Kong although not many Hong Kong people like her music. but no one fucking care, right? i just love it!

她的音樂帶領了香港的新思維,創造出王菲式音樂。雖然不是大多數的香港人都能接受她,但誰會介意? 我就是喜歡!

and her fashion style is also very Faye Wong. she likes to wear any that she likes. you cant guess what she will wear. i cant imagine she wear the H&M x MMM down coat!

至於她的衣著,你很難去猜她會穿什麼,反正她就是喜歡穿她的。但令我最估不到的是她竟穿起H&M x MMM...

xoxo p.

1 comment:

  1. very interesstign and inspiring entry <3

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